Wednesday 20 July 2016

Floors and Sloping Walls

When you have sloping walls in your model, it can be a little difficult to add floors and have their boundary snap to the sloping wall. You just aren’t able to pick the edge of the sloping wall where the floor intersects.

You could go down the path of setting up levels, splitting walls, creating new elements all to try and get this edge to snap to, this will take a long time and often the result isn’t 100% accurate. But, there is an easy way.

In this example the new floor is set half way up the sloping wall and in the floor sketch creation I was unable to pick the intersecting edge of the floor and the wall. The resulting floor is not ideal.

To get the floor to snap to the edge of the sloping wall, just draw the floor a little bigger than you need. (So that it sticks out from the sloping wall.

Then go to the Modify Ribbon, and pick the Join tool, and join the floor and the sloping wall.

Now you have an edge line where the floor and the sloping wall meet. (There is an edge on the inside too!)

All you have to do now is select the floor, Select the ‘Edit Boundary’ tool.

And using the ‘Pick Lines’ Draw tool. Select the internal edge for the floor. It will put a new line on the edge.

Clean up the floor sketch using the trim, and delete tools, and finish the sketch. You now have a floor that aligns with your sloping wall.

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